Monday 26 September 2011

Magical Mystery Tour

Just watched The Beatles’ movie for Magical Mystery Tour, which definitely ranked amongst the most bizarre things I’ve ever sat through. It starts off like a documentary about a British bus tour, but then gets bored of that, slings in some very bizarre or silly music videos for various tracks on the album (“Fool On the Hill” is three minutes of Paul standing on hills, or frolicking; “Blue Jay Way” is George sitting there, with occasional projections of cats jumping around; “I Am The Walrus” was bizarre enough without The Eggmen turning out to be a bunch of middle-aged men in a sheet), along with any random crap that occurred to the creative minds behind the project (fuelled by rather too many drugs, I fear), slings in the Bonzos singing ‘Death Cab for Cutie’ during a striptease, and then, as though that was the climax of the show, it just ENDS. One more musical number, and it’s finished. Utterly surreal.

In fact, I found it to be very much like a more likeable version of Un Chien Andalou.

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