Monday 26 September 2011

Battle Royale

I’d heard enough about it to know the general outline of the plot: the Japanese are sick of juvenile delinquency and the rebellious nature of the youths, so the government show the kids they mean business by abducting one class and sending them to an island, where they are forced to kill each other.

I think it was much to the surprise of us both that we really enjoyed the movie, because it was one of those movies that was just so bad it was great. The acting was horribly over-the-top. The script was ludicrous, with the kind of stupid flashbacks and blatant, rushed character development that tried to evoke sympathy for totally flat characters that would have given even the cheesiest anime pause, and I can’t believe that there was a novel before the movie, and they STILL thought it would be good. The direction was poor (I’m presuming the budget was tiny) and the faux-artistic shots of waves and sunsets were ridiculously obvious. Bee and I took to imitating the daft lines of dialogue, and all in all had a good giggle. Especially when the big betrayal happened – and made NO sense whatsoever. What use, exactly, were the betrayed to the betrayer? Why didn’t he just kill them??

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