Thursday 25 August 2011

The Queen

Caught The Queen with Helen Mirren. Not at all the picture Al Fayed would have made, with only one throwaway reference to the royal family actually being suspected of anything, but very entertaining - less because I can remember the events portrayed happening and am familiar with the characters than because of the dramatisation, the way the real people became big, prominent characters, and our stern, stuffy queen cries for deer her husband is hunting. Most amusingly of all, the film is shaped as a sort of coming-of-age story for Tony Blair!

And never have I found Alistair Campbell so appealing before this. The film is steeped in real associations and connotations, but never seems more than a drama on a stage – but that, I think, is why I enjoyed it, far more so than if a large part of me wasn’t thinking I was watching a real-life Spitting Image.

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